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As a member of the NWSP listserv, you are invited to participate in the community while holding in mind the guidelines, below. Please be mindful about the need to maintain confidentiality of patient personal health information in all your postings.

If you would like to join our Listserv, please write to our moderator, Shoba Nayar, at Shoba Nayar.


  1. To send a message through the listserv, address it to
  2. Please sign all your e-mails with both first and last names. You can, if you wish, add your professional degree. It is one way for us to get to know one another online and it also feels more professional to sign the posting.
  3. Be as specific as possible with the subject headings, e.g., Looking for a child therapist in NW DC. Those who are not interested in the subject can delete the message easily. You will appreciate this feature when messages come streaming into your inbox.
  4. Postings to this listserv can include sharing information about resources, reference to social and cultural issues that affect our practice, referrals being sought, office space being sought or available, events sponsored by other organizations and personal announcements that might be of interest to others. e.g., books/articles published, awards, etc. If you want to discuss a clinical situation, make sure you do not include any identifying information. You can, if you like, ask a colleague to post the question on your behalf. That way, the identity of the therapist will be concealed giving the client (and you) extra protection.
  5. If you press "Reply" to a message, your answer will only go to the sender. You would use this option when thanking someone for a referral or for providing a response which pertains only to the sender.
  6. Use the "Reply to All" option mindfully and only if you want everybody on the listserv to receive your message.
  7. Please remember to be civil and respectful in your postings. We have much to learn from each other with our diverse backgrounds and training and it is important that the NWSP listserv be a safe place for this exchange. We don't have to agree with each other, but when the postings become personal, derisive and/or aggressive, free flowing dialogue tends to get shut down. Please keep this in mind as a member of the listserv and the School community.

The following disclaimer appears in the footer of all email correspondence on this Listserv, please keep this in mind:

The opinions, views, and information expressed on this listerv are those of the individual member, who is solely responsible for the content of their post. As a matter of policy, the Board of the New Washington School of Psychiatry does not endorse posts by any member of the NWSP. Members are advised that communications on this listserv are not confidential, and that members are responsible for maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of all patients' personal health information.

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