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The New Washington School Invites You to Join the Zodiac Group!

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Over 90 years ago, a group of remarkable psychoanalysts, Harry Stack Sullivan, Karen Horney, Clara Thompson and Erich Fromm, began meeting in New York as the “Zodiac Group” and initiated a revolutionary movement which expanded our understanding of psychoanalysis to incorporate sociocultural factors. Several years later, Sullivan formed the Washington School of Psychiatry and initiated the journal “Psychiatry” which became an important medium for sharing the ideas of this important movement. The School and the journal continued to be a place where esteemed clinicians and contributors from other disciplines could expand on Sullivan’s understanding of “psychiatry” as the study of interpersonal processes; these included Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, Edith Weigert, Harold Searles, Otto Will and Martin Buber.

As we launch the New Washington School of Psychiatry, join the “Zodiac group” for a series of online “lunch” gatherings, noon to 115pm, as we explore the contributions of these pioneers and the journal “Psychiatry”. A reading will be circulated before each meeting to registrants; participation is free for NWSP members.

Friday, Sep. 15th, 2023:

Harry Stack Sullivan. Discussant: Barton Evans; Author Harry Stack Sullivan: Interpersonal Theory and Psychotherapy.

Reading: Psychiatry: Introduction to the Study of Interpersonal Relations, Sullivan’s introductory essay in the first issue of Psychiatry.

Friday, Oct. 13th, 2023:

Erich Fromm. Discussant, Mauricio Cortina, Author (with Michael Maccoby) A Prophetic Analyst: Erich Fromm's Contributions to Psychoanalysis.

Reading: Selfishness and Self-Love from Psychiatry, 1939;

Friday, Nov 17th, 2023:

Clara Thompson. Discussant: Ann D'Ecole, Author Clara M. Thompson’s Early Years and Professional Awakening: An American Psychoanalyst (1893-1933) and Clara M. Thompson’s Professional Evolution and Legacy: An American Psychoanalyst (1933-1958).

Reading: The Role of Women in this Culture from Psychiatry, 1941.

Friday, Dec. 8th, 2023:

Searles, Harold. Discussant, Richard Waugaman, Author of multiple articles about Searles and Chestnut Lodge.

Reading: The Psychodynamics of Vengefulness from Psychiatry, 1956.

Friday, Jan. 12th, 2024:

Otto Will. Discussant, Carlton Cornett, Author, Being with Patients : An Introduction to the Psychotherapy of Harry Stack Sullivan, M.D. and Otto Allen Will, Jr.

Reading: Paranoid development and the concept of self: psychotherapeutic intervention from Psychiatry, 1961.

Friday, Feb. 9th, 2024:

Frieda Fromm-Reichmann. Discussant, Gail Hornstein, Author: Redeem One Person Is to Redeem the World: The Life of Frieda Fromm-Reichmann and Agnes's Jacket: A Psychologist's Search for the Meanings of Madness.

Reading: Loneliness from Psychiatry, 1959.

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