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Peace & Conflict, Power & Privilege: Co-Existing in the Face of Difference and Trauma

  • 04/27/2024
  • 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Meeting House of the Friends Meeting of Washington


Registration is closed

Peace & Conflict, Power & Privilege:

Co-Existing in the Face of Difference and Trauma

Hosted by the National Group Psychotherapy Institute

There are more than 110 armed conflicts among various groups worldwide, fueled by interwoven dynamics of survival, power, privilege, identity, domination, and subjugation. In the face of such overwhelming complexity, emotion, and sensation, it can be tempting to simplify and find comfort by taking sides. Yet, viewing one group as right and the other as wrong can often intensify societal fractures and deepen rifts already existing within. Through the lenses of intergenerational and chosen trauma, intersectionality, and psychodynamic and large group theories, this community event will use social dreaming, large group process and small group reflection to examine the underlying forces spurring and sustaining global violence, oppression and communal trauma.

Featured Speaker: Kavita Avula, PsyD, CGP

Kavita Avula, PsyD, CGP is an Indian-American licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in trauma, international psychology, unconscious bias, and large group dynamics.  For decades, Dr. Avula has served as a thought leader and partner to humanitarian and human rights organizations. She has traveled to four continents to facilitate healing and recovery in the face of war and natural disasters. She founded Therapist Beyond Borders, a boutique consulting firm that offers conflict resolution and facilitates culture change at institutions that know they are stuck. She dedicates a portion of her time to serving the Black, Brown, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BBIPOC) community and offered the first ever BBIPOC Institute at AGPA. Dr. Avula was former President of the Puget Sound Group Psychotherapy Network and has been a featured speaker at conferences nationally. When she is not facilitating a group, she can be found traveling with her family, hiking, or on a tennis court.


Participation in this conference is open to all interested individuals.

Five (5.5) CEs will be awarded to conference attendees who are licensed mental health professionals (e.g., social workers, psychologists, counselors, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, marriage and family therapists). To receive CE credits, participants must attend 100% of the conference. Partial credit is not possible.

*Continuing education requirements vary from state to state. Many state boards grant reciprocity with national accrediting organizations and other state boards. It is the responsibility of each professional to understand the requirements for license renewal or check with the state or national licensing board and/or professional organization to become more familiar with their policies for acceptable continuing education credit.

If you are thinking about attending but the cost is prohibitive, please contact Jonathan Stillerman ( or 202-699-2779).

Discounts may be available.

For more information about the conference or NGPI, please contact:

Kavita Avula, Conference Chair:

Rachel Miller, Co-Chair:

Jonathan Stillerman, Co-Chair:

Registration Deadline is Thursday, April 25th at noon ET.


A refund of your registration fee, less a $50 administrative fee to cover the cost of credit card charges and refunds plus administrative time, will be allowed if requested in writing ( more than 14 days prior to a scheduled event. Between 7 and 14 days prior to an event, a cancellation request will result in a refund of 50% of the registration fee less a $50 administrative fee (A $200 registration will be refunded as $100 less $50 or $50). We regret that cancellation requests made 7 days or less prior to an event will not be accepted.

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